
How to make a felt crown

Felt crowns are perfect for dress-up play and also make an adorable birthday keepsake. Depending on the age of your crafter, you can help make the base and let them decorate. Felt is a versatile craft materials because it is soft and doesn't fray when you cut it.

How to make a felt crown

photo: Erik Putz

Felt crowns are perfect for dress-up play and also make an adorable birthday keepsake. Depending on the age of your crafter, you can help make the base and let them decorate. Felt is one of our favourite craft materials because it is soft and doesn't fray when you cut it.

Difficulty: Easy peasy Age range: 3-100. You can make this craft with white glue, but an adult can also help with a hot glue gun for a more durable crown. Safety first: Since there is a long ribbon and small pompoms, children under 3 should not be left unattended with this craft. The takeaway: Imaginative play boosts creativity and promotes confidence. Plus, all the adorableness.

craft supplies for felt crown project photo: Erik Putz

You'll need: 2 craft felt sheets (cut both into a crown shape as shown) 3 stars cut out of felt Small pompoms Ribbon Hot glue (or white glue) Scissors

gluing pompoms on felt crown craft photo: erik putz

Step 1 Glue both crown pieces together (two pieces of felt create a sturdy structure) and glue pompoms onto the crown peaks. If you are using white glue, let the crown dry for 30 minutes or more.

gluing stars on felt crown craft photo: Erik Putz

Step 2 Glue on your stars (you can also add gemstones or stickers).

gluing ribbon on felt crown craft photo: Erik Putz

Step 3 Glue a ribbon across the crown and leave enough to tie in place. Ta-da!

This article was originally published on May 23, 2017

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Mandy is the co-founder and creative director at Hemme Custom in Toronto, Ontario. Her work can also be found in MSN Canada and Chatelaine

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