
Horses & Cupcakes & Spa Day-Oh my!

By Amy

Talia’s positively bursting with news at the dinner table this week.“I trotted today!” she said. “And we played the sword game. I had to steer Beetle around the poles.”

“That’s so cool, Tal.” I said. “I don’t know how to ride a horse. What do you do when you trot with Beetle?”

“You move your body up and down,” she explained.


Tal’s at Camp Sunrise--an integrated riding day camp. Not only is she learning to ride, she’s also swimming daily and having the time of her life. Since Tal’s in a group for older girls,they decide what cool activities they’d like to try. For crafts, they’ve made a birdhouse, painted chef’s apron and a picture frame. Monday, Tal got off the bus sporting pink fingernails and purple toenails. “We had spa day!” she said.

Yesterday, Talia and her friends decorated cupcakes at camp. So after dinner, Tal hosted a dessert party for us. She set the table and carefully poured glasses of milk.“It’s to wash it down,” she said. Then she presented the cute cupcakes: fluorescent blue and pink icing with silver balls and multicoloured flower sprinkles. Very sweet.


On Friday camp’s done. And I think I’ll have one mighty sad girl.

This article was originally published on Aug 24, 2011

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