Bigger Kids

Halloween safety tips

These helpful ideas will make sure your kids stay seen and safe while they're out trick-or-treating this Halloween

By Today's Parent staff
Halloween safety tips

The pumpkin is carved and your porch light is on. But no matter how prepared you are, it’s easy to get spooked about Halloween safety:

October 31 is dangerous for kids, with more children struck and killed by cars than on any other day. “The best way to protect your kids is with careful supervision on Halloween night,” says Ethel Archard of the Canada Safety Council. “Dressing kids to be seen in the dark is also crucial.” Here are some inexpensive ways to make sure your kids are seen — and safe:

• Enhance costumes with reflective tape. A metre-long (40 inch) roll sells for about $5 at Canadian Tire and other stores, and comes in a variety of colours and patterns to please every treat collector.

• Have kids carry or wear glow sticks or necklaces, which provide four to 12 hours of illumination. Pick them up at any party supply store from about $1.

• Take little kids out with a pocket flashlight (as little as $1.49). It’s small enough for tiny hands to grip, or you can clip it onto a jacket zipper for hands-free illumination. Older trick-or-treaters can carry a household flashlight.


Bye-bye, orange box Partly in response to parents’ safety concerns, there’ll be no more UNICEF collection boxes this Halloween. Instead, kids are encouraged to raise funds for the international charity at school events throughout October, and carry a reflective UNICEF treat bag.

This article was originally published on Sep 21, 2011

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