Bigger Kids

4 Halloween DIY party games for kids

These super-fun kids games will get your Halloween party going faster than you can say "Boo!"

By Today's Parent
4 Halloween DIY party games for kids

Classic games with a Halloween twist will keep all your little ghosts howling with glee. We'll give you the tricks for pulling these treats together.

Halloween costume parade

1. MONSTER MARCH Get your party started with a costume parade—kids will love showing off their getups, and it'll ramp up their energy for the games to follow.

Halloween bingo game

2. BOO BINGO Start off with a game that requires a bit of focus before the sugar kicks in. Download our printable bingo cards.

Halloween spider pinata

3. SMASH HIT Squash this spider pinata and win goodies instead of guts. a. Tape two balloons, one large and one a bit smaller, together to form a spider body. Have a stack of newspaper strips ready. b. Working in sections, apply a layer of Mod Podge, then a layer of newspaper strips over the entire spider. Allow to dry. c. Paint spider black and allow to dry. d. Cut open a flap in the spider’s body that fits your hand (for filling with candy). e. For each of the eight legs, twist three pipe cleaners together. Poke holes in each side of the body to attach legs and tape them in place on the inside through the candy flap. f. Poke another hole through the bottom of the body to attach a string for hanging. Knot and tape from the inside. g. Fill spider with candy and close up flap with black tape.

Halloween ghost bowling

4. GHOST BOWLING Vanquish 10 spooky spirits with some knock-down fun. a. Find a plastic set of white bowling pins or coat a set with primer and white spray paint that adheres to plastic. Allow to dry. b. With a fine-tipped brush and black acrylic paint, draw faces on the pins. Allow to dry. c. Spray pins with clear spray paint. Allow to dry before playing.


Make your party complete with scary cute costumes and delicious sweet treats!

Watch: See how crafter Darcy Allan makes these DIY Halloween stickers—perfect for a spook-tacular party!

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