Family life

Funniest field trip stories!

Here are some of the funniest things that ever happened to Today's Parent readers while volunteering on field trips.

By Nadine Silverthorne
Funniest field trip stories!

Photo: Sava Alexandru/iStockphoto

The funniest thing that ever happened to me while volunteering on a field trip was...

During a grade six overnight trip to an outdoor education centre, my principal took a group on a night hike and got everyone lost in the middle of a thunderstorm. What added to his misery were the bear stories he had told the kids at dinner — they were all crying and scared out of their minds.” – Jennifer T.

“I was in charge of a group of four kindergartners on a trip to the zoo. When we walked into the elephant enclosure, one little boy piped up and said, ‘Hey, this place smells like my grandma’s house!’ I almost died laughing.” – Lisa R.

“Six kindergarten boys changing out of their swimsuits, spontaneously naked, and one of them yells out, ‘Look at my ____!’” – Crystal Anne E. “One of my students got his boot stuck on the escalator at the Science Centre. For most kids this would be traumatic. For this young lad, it was an achievement celebrated at his grad many years later.” – Jennifer T.

“I went on a hay ride in October with my daughter’s preschool class. One very cute little boy asked my daughter to marry him. My daughter completely ignored him.”  – Elaine A.


Going on a school field trip with your child's class this year? Here's what you need to know>

This article was originally published on Aug 08, 2012

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