Family life

Frozen returns: Disney set to release new animated short

With a whole slew of new Frozen projects in the works, the Disney smash won't be disappearing anytime soon.

Frozen-Disney Photo courtesy of Walt Disney Studios.

Never underestimate the power of the mom masses. Not only did Disney’s Frozen surpass all expectations to become the highest-grossing animated film of all time, retailers simply cannot keep related merchandise stocked on their shelves. Since the movie’s Christmas release, my Facebook feed has been punctuated with panicked parents on the hunt for Frozen costumes, dolls, party supplies—or anything, really.

I had tried to tone down the hype in my own house, but with my six-year-old daughter’s birthday approaching, I thought I’d saunter into the Disney Store to see what I could find. The staff basically laughed at me, explaining that parents line up on delivery days for a chance to pay big bucks for just about anything Anna- and Elsa-related. I’ve seen comments on websites from outraged parents raging at Disney for basically ruining their children’s lives by not meeting the demand for merchandise.

Read more: The Wiggles sing Frozen and Happy (exclusive videos!)>

Hopefully they’ve ramped up production, because more Frozen is on the way. Entertainment Weekly reported that a short called Frozen Fever will hit theatres this spring, attached to an as-yet-unannounced Disney movie (EW speculates it could be a live-action Cinderella film, scheduled for a March 13, 2015 release).

But you don’t have to wait until the spring. The TV drama Once Upon a Time (on ABC, which is owned by Disney) is apparently following a Frozen-esque arc in its new season, adding several of the movie’s characters to the live-action drama when it returns September 28.


These two new “chapters” of the Frozen saga were announced during a behind-the-scenes special that aired on ABC this week (I missed it! Damn PVR). But there’s one more spectacular spectacle to line up for: Disney on Ice Presents Frozen, which is happening now in the US and making stops in Toronto and Montreal in March 2015. (FYI: tickets seem to range from $35 to $110.)

Let it go? No way. I have to admit that Frozen was a movie that I enjoyed as much as my kids did, and I know they’ll be excited to see Anna and Elsa in action again. And while I didn’t go to great lengths to secure some memorabilia for my daughter, I set some friends on the case, and they came through. Now she’ll have something to tide her over until the spring, when it all begins again.

Follow along as Today’s Parent senior editor Tracy Chappell shares her refreshingly positive take on parenting her two young daughters. She’s been blogging her relatable experiences for our publication since 2005. Read more of her Tracy’s mama memoir posts and tweet her @T_Chappell.

This article was originally published on Sep 04, 2014

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