Family health

Tubal ligation

Here's what you need to know if you're considering this procedure

By Sydney Loney
Tubal ligation

What it is: The fallopian tubes are surgically disconnected.
How it works: The egg never meets the sperm.
Effectiveness: There is up to a 2.5% chance of failure up to 10 years later as tubes may “heal” themselves.
Convenience: Once the procedure is over, technically so are your birth control concerns.
Best for: Women who don’t want any more children.
Side effects: Pain, bleeding and nausea, as well as some risk of infection.
Price tag: As surgical procedures, tubal ligations are covered.
Good to know: Ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the uterus) is more likely in women with tubal ligation.

Our experts:
Dara Maker, family physician at Women’s College Hospital in Toronto
Roey Malleson, clinical associate professor of family practice at University of British Columbia
Ronald Weiss, assistant professor of medicine at University of Ottawa

This article was originally published on Dec 21, 2011

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