Family health

Advertorial: The importance of oral care

From our sponsor, Crest: You can never be too young to start learning about the importance of good oral hygiene.

By Provided by Crest
Image provided by Crest

There’s no arguing the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene. It seems the older we get, the better we understand the consequences of failing to stick to a regular routine. Such consequences can include tooth decay or loss, gum disease and periodontitis. Chances are your tween has yet to experience little more than a cavity. And with an ounce of prevention, you can help keep it that way.

We all know that regular brushing goes a long way towards cavity prevention. Brushing alone however, isn’t enough. Remember to stress the importance of flossing and using an oral rinse containing fluoride every day when talking to your tween. Follow these healthy oral care tips from Crest:

And of course, remember to visit the dentist for twice-yearly check-ups for happy, healthy looking smiles all around.

Learn more about Crest Pro-Health For Me products now.

To ensure this product is right for you, always read and follow the label.

This article was originally published on Apr 02, 2012

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