Have a few mason jars or even empty spaghetti jars lying around the house? Get ready to craft with them!
Let the kids pick their favourite superhero to safeguard their savings. Find it here: firefliesandmudpies.com
Pick a name or a saying and have your kid write it on the mason jar. Then have them paint the jar in their fave colour. It’s a fun way to practise handwriting. Find it here: theletteredcottage.net
Get your slime on making this two-in-one craft—a fun monster jar and some sparkly slime. Find it here: the36thavenue.com
Sticky fingers never had it so good. This craft is a little messy but so simple. It’s great for any age—you can cut out the shapes and let your kid do the gluing. Try different shapes like squares, triangles, circles, etc. Find it here: masonjarcraftslove.com
This glitter-filled craft is not only fun, but it also helps calm anxiety. When your little one is overwhelmed, have her sit quietly and watch the glitter slowly fall. Find it here: thepinkhammer.wordpress.com
No real fish required (thank goodness). This craft is more aquarium meets snow globe. Find it here: alittleclaireification.com
Nothing says fun like dripping paint…on purpose! And the kids will have a blast making a mess (that is all contained in a sealed jar). Find it here: masonjarcraftslove.com
There are lots of ways to make a terrarium, but these little jar versions are sweet and a lovely project to do together with your kid. Go on a scavenger hunt in the backyard for supplies and then make your terrarium. Find it here: allparenting.com
Fall can be in the air anytime with this craft. Light the votive and enjoy the warm oranges and golds into your space. Find it here: sparkandchemistry.com
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