
DIY calming jar

Is your kid battling a case of the worries? Create a calming jar. Simply turning it over and watching the glitter gently fall will help her relax.

DIY calming jar

Help soothe a meltdown with this simple calming jar. It's mesmerizing to watch.

1. Paint lid of a plastic water bottle (any brand) with acrylic paint.

2. Fill one-quarter of the bottle with water. Then fill it up three-quarters of the way with clear hand soap.

3. Fill up the rest of the bottle with coloured hand soap.

4. Add in beads, sequins and glitter (try using different shapes and sizes of glitter). Shake to mix. To prevent glittery spills, ring the top of the jar with hot glue and screw on the lid. Then watch as the sparkles fall.


A version of this article appeared in our September 2016 issue with the headline “Keep calm,” p. 18.

This article was originally published on Aug 31, 2017

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