Family life

Completing my first road marathon

Jennifer is recovering from her first road marathon — and has many people to thank for helping her get to the finish line.

By Jennifer Pinarski
Completing my first road marathon

At the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon.

If you'd told me a month ago that I'd be the proud owner of a Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon 42.2K finisher's medal I would have laughed at you. I see myself as a small town trail runner, out of place and not nearly fit enough for a big city marathon.

But here I am, two days later, covered in Arnica Cream and yelping everytime my kids tackle me for a full body hug. I composed many blog posts in my head during the time I was out on the course and I can't wait to get them written. Trust me, I was running for a long, long time so I have a lot I want to share with you!

While I get my thoughts sorted out, I want to thank everyone that helped me get to the finish line on Sunday:

  • The Operation Soul Food team of Impressions PR and ambassadors @SproutRight and @CoreExpectations.
  • All of the staff and clients of Street Haven (especially knowing that you were rooting for me).
  • The Today's Parent staff (especially, Kristy, Nadine and Haley — I loved your tweets and Facebook comments during the day).
  • Karen Wooley and her mama Bernice. Karen graciously offered up her mama's downtown apartment for me to stay at on race night. It was so nice to have a hug from a new friend that morning — and I owe you an umbrella!
  • Running mamas Rhonda and Katie for putting up with my paranoid race eve texts.
  • The lady who rode her bicycle through the whole race holding up hilarious signs.
  • The volunteers, spectators and organizers. It's a HUGE job putting on this event. 
  • The Mac's convenience store owner on Queen Street who didn't bat an eye when I told him that I was running a marathon and needed chips badly — I appreciate you not enforcing the minimum purchase for debit card usage!
  • My family and friends for cheering me on via Facebook and Twitter on race day. 
  • YOU — all of you who read this blog. It really means a lot to me.
  • Most of all, my husband and kids (who don't read this blog, but I they need to be publicly thanked anyway).

More tomorrow — I promise!

This article was originally published on Oct 16, 2012

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