Birthday parties

Throw a fun-filled slumber party

Treat your night owl to a sleepover party that will turn her sweetest dreams into reality.

By Sadiya Dendar and Kate Stewart
Throw a fun-filled slumber party

Throw a fun-filled slumber party

Slumber Party 101

Hosting a slumber party? Wondering how you'll last with a house full of giggling girls?

We've got the perfect blueprint for a fun and memorable party. From cupcakes to crafts, and all the special surprises in between, here are some excellent ideas for throwing a slumber party.

(Click to the next slide for our party invite templates, as seen in our February 2013 iPad edition.)

Throw a fun-filled slumber partyPhoto: LuminaStock/iStockphoto

Printable party invites

Make memorable slumber party invitations by hand. You'll need to download and print off our templates, and have the following on hand: patterned and coloured cardstock, markers or pencil crayons, ribbon and 1-1/8 inch thick glue. Match your invite to the one picture above.

As an additional party craft, help the partygoers make their own slumber party girls with our easy templates.

Get slumber party templates here:


Throw a fun-filled slumber partyArt: Jamie Piper

Make adorable loot bags

Package loot in mini cardboard trunks (from the dollar store). Fill with glow bracelets, a bottle of nail polish and stickers.

Attach a “thank you” tag to the handle with ribbon.

Throw a fun-filled slumber partyPhoto: Tony Lanz

Play spa with the girls

Set the stage for this starry night by pampering your guests in style. Ask each girl to come in her PJs. Start with doing homemade face masks (two tablespoons of plain yogurt combined with one tablespoon of fresh lemon juice); you can leave it on for up to an hour.

In the meantime, offer up manis and pedis before washing off the masks with tepid water.

Throw a fun-filled slumber partyPhoto: iStockphoto/wojciech_gajda

Movie Time!

After dinner (pizza is always an easy hit!), let each kid decorate a plain pillowcase with non-toxic fabric markers. Then, have them snuggle into their sleeping bags and turn on a movie before lights out.

(Be forewarned: You’ll still hear giggles well into the night.)

Throw a fun-filled slumber partyPhoto: realitybytes/iStockphoto

Create our owl mask eye pillow craft

Make these adorable owl mask eye pillows so every slumber-er gets her beauty sleep.

Get instructions for the craft here

Throw a fun-filled slumber partyPhoto: Tony Latz; Art: Kate Stewart

Serve "sleeping beauty" cupcakes

Place half a ladyfinger in the centre of a cupcake; prop one end on a “pillow” (marshmallow). Pipe on the hair, eyes and mouth with icing. Use a dried fruit strip as the blanket and two jelly beans for the feet. With a dab of icing, attach a gummy bear for the “stuffie.”

Now pass around those yummy sweets to the girls!

Throw a fun-filled slumber partyPhoto: Tony Lanz

Offer breakfast with a side of cartoons

Once your sleeping beauties have risen, serve breakfast with a side of cartoons. Next, have some fun with a few classic games like Memory (display items on a tray for 30 seconds and see how many items each kid can remember) and Telephone.

Send partygoers home with their favours, as well as their eye mask and pillowcase.

Throw a fun-filled slumber partyPhoto: monkeybusinessimages/iStockphoto

Slumber party breakfast recipes

Throw a fun-filled slumber partyPhoto: SPC

Treat your night owl to a sleepover party that will turn her sweetest dreams into reality.

This article was originally published on Jan 10, 2013

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