Birthday parties

June 2013 birthday wishes

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By Today's Parent staff
Photo: One Blue Light/

Photo: One Blue Light/

Happy third birthday, Penelope! You are such an incredible big sister, as well as a lovable and sweet little girl. It makes us so happy to be able to watch you grow. We love you very much! Love Mommy, Daddy and Abigail. – Kelly Jamieson

Happy first birthday to our little Milky, Anthony! You light up our lives with your giggles and smiles. We love you to the moon and back, again and again and again! Love Mommy and Daddy.

Happy first birthday to our amazing daughter, Awwbree. Thank you for making this past year beyond amazing. We love you more than you'll ever know! Love Momma and Dadda. Xoxo. – Ben Jones and Kristy Farrell-Jones

Happy first birthday to our psipsi Peter! This has been the most amazing year of our lives. We love you with all our hearts and will always be by your side to love and protect you. Thank you for showing us true happiness. We are blessed. Love you always, Mama and Baba.

Happy third birthday, Brayden! You bring us nothing but pure happiness and your smile could light up the room. Love always, Mommy, Daddy and big brother Cameron. – Courtney and Jonathan Lewin


Happy first birthday to my precious little lovebug, Joshua Michael! We can't believe the year has gone so quickly. Your happy and funny little personality shines through every day and we feel so blessed to have you in our lives now. We can't wait to celebrate your first birthday and see all the new and interesting things that the next year will bring for us all. Lots of love, hugs and kisses. Love always, Mommy and Daddy. – Kelly and Mike Hackett

Happy first birthday to our little monster, Max! A year ago we were blessed with a beautiful, wonderful, happy little boy. We love you so much Max and cannot wait to spend many more years watching you grow! We love, love, LOVE you! Hugs and kisses, Mommy and Daddy. – Raf and Laurita Martynowski

A very special happy birthday Jane on your ninth birthday! You've grown into a kind, funky and fun-loving girl. We can't wait to see the great things you will accomplish over the next year. All the best birthday wishes on your special day and remember we all love you very much!! Love Mom, Dad, Kathryn and Amanda.

Happy first birthday, Jax! You brighten every day with your toothy, sweet smile. You are such a blessing and bring much happiness to our lives. Love being able to stay home and watch you grow. Love you lots, Mom, Dad and Cruz – Katie Sneek

Happy first birthday, Joshua Aaron! We love you more than we ever thought was possible. Thank you for entering our lives. – Maria Valladares and Dani Shaft


Happy first birthday to our little sunshine, Mia! You have brought us so much love, laughter and joy! We love you more then anything! Love always Mommy, Daddy and BooBoo, too! XOXO – Alessia and Andrew Lera

Happy third birthday to our big boy, Gabriele Roy, on June 4! Mommy and Daddy love you so much and wish you a fun-filled day! Bonne fete! XOXO

Happy second birthday, Vincent! Thank you for making us so happy. We love you very much. Love, Mommy and Daddy. – Natasha and Pat Venditti 

Happy third birthday to our amazing Kassie! You are a beautiful little person inside and out and you deserve the best! Love, Mommy, Daddy and your Fur brother, Ryker. – Melanie Baker

This article was originally published on May 31, 2013

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