Little Kids

Birthday party ideas: Fairy theme

Flutter your way over to a magical fête, and enjoy treats amid the flowers.

Birthday party ideas: Fairy theme Photo: Naomi V Photography

Rumour has it that if you admit to believing in fairies out loud, they’ll fly over to your house and stay for a party! Invite your little one’s pixie pals with magical wand invitations. (Download, print and cut out our template.) To make one, cut two stars out of construction paper, and glue each corresponding point together, leaving a spot open at the bottom. Tie ribbons to a dowel, and insert the tip into the opening at the base of the star. Secure the dowel in place with hot glue. Staple the invitation to one of the ribbons. On it, include a request for your guests to arrive in their best pastel-coloured fairy attire, and remind them to bring their wands!

Dress the table with lace or crocheted tablecloths and use doilies for placemats. Sprinkle fairy dust (glitter) on the tabletop, and decorate with fabric flowers, butterflies and ladybugs. After sleuthing for clues, navigating obstacle courses and crafting wings, these little sprites are going to work up quite the appetite. Serve up a sweets table, complete with cake pops, cookies and strawberry pudding. Finish with pink homemade macaroons, iced decaf tea and fresh strawberries.


Flower garden


Get each kid to paint a flowerpot saucer and a wooden birdhouse. Then they can put soil in the saucer and arrange the birdhouse, pebbles, flowers and marbles as they like.


Fairy dust relay

Create a relay race obstacle course outside, dividing participants into two groups. Each kid holds a cup of glitter. Place two large glass jars at the end of the course. The first team to fill their jar wins!

Pixie pursuit

Download and print our clues and hide each of them. Every clue will lead the sleuths to the next one, eventually guiding them to a pile of materials to make their very own fairy wings.



Cut the outline of wings from two pieces of glitter paper. Use thick ribbon to make two separate loops that are large enough to go over the kids’ shoulders. Glue the loops to the back of the wings, and glue a piece of felt between the two wings to attach them. Tape flowers over the felt to hide it.


How to make a floral crown

1: You’ll need garland wire, a glue gun, wire cutters, and fabric flowers.


2: Cut a piece of wire that can be wrapped two times around your little fairy’s head. Twist the the layers of wire around each other to form a circle.


3: Glue the fabric flowers to the wire.




Download our invitations and Pixie Pursuit clues at

A version of this article appeared in our May 2014 issue with the headline “Fairy party,” p. 18.

This article was originally published on Apr 23, 2014

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