It should come as no surprise that my children run around barefoot. Long before I switched out my traditional running shoes for minimal or
no running shoes at all, I rarely wore shoes at home or at work, and my kids have followed in my footsteps. Our toddler, Gillian, is especially shoe-averse. Quite often she will start an outing with shoes, then pitch them out of a shopping cart halfway through the day (twice she’s lost shoes completely) and now instead of forcing shoes on her feet, I tuck them in my bag and only put them on her when she asks (which is never). I encourage barefoot walking and running because I believe that it creates
stronger, healthier feet and makes jumping in puddles more fun. Surprisingly, even my chiropodist approved of my barefoot running lifestyle because of how strong my feet are.
But going back to my barefoot kiddos: Last week at the park I got the stink eye from other families when Gillian and I took off our shoes before we climbed and played. One little girl tried to take off her shoes and her mother immediately warned her daughter to put them back on because walking around the park barefoot was too dangerous. This was a popular, family-friendly park that I felt confident being barefoot in so I had a hard time believing that it would be dangerous.