Bigger Kids

Ask Dr. Dina: How do I get my kid to wear her bike helmet?

Paediatrician and mom of three Dr. Dina Kulik shares tips on bike helmet safety.

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My eight-year-old absolutely hates wearing her bike helmet—what should I do? I know it’s hard to withstand the whining, but quite frankly, I wouldn’t give your child a choice in the matter. Not only should she be wearing a helmet during any activity involving wheels (biking, skateboarding, rollerblading) but you should be, too: When parents wear helmets, their children are more likely to. A wobbly helmet won’t provide much protection, so ensure your kid’s fits close to her head and the straps are tight to her chin.

Dr. Dina Kulik is a paediatrician and emergency room doctor in Toronto and mom to three boys, who are five, three and 17 months. Send her your kids’ health questions at

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Dina is an entrepreneur, pediatrician, emergency medicine doctor and blogger based in Toronto, Ontario. She is the founder and CEO of Kidcrew, a multidisciplinary kids' health clinic. 

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