Still on the hunt for the ultimate toy for your toddler? Track down one of these awesome finds for the holidays.
Want to spoil your little tyke this holiday? Put one of these toddler-tested toys under the tree.
Our toddler toy roundup is guaranteed to make your holiday shopping a breeze.
A version of this article appeared in our November issue with the headline "Toy Guide: Toddler," pp. 102-103.
Fun two-sided track. Balls roll down the one side while ladybug cars race down the other, both setting off music and flashing lights.
Ages: 1+
International Playthings ELC, $60
Toys R US
Five little balls fit into one big ball. Bounce, wobble and squeak — each ball does something different.
Ages: 6m+
You can store blocks inside the table.
Ages: 1+
Megabloks, $50
This fun bus from Leap Frog is an awesome way to learn your ABC's.
Ages: 2+
Kids can build along to the story of life on the farm (comes with a cute story book).
Ages: 2+
Lego, $16
This fun car is pushed by adults and makes a great transition from strollers. Stickers of a headlights and a beeping horn make it true-to-life.
Ages: 18m+
Step 2, $80
This beautiful lightweight wooden toy is fun to push around.
Ages: 1+
Hape, $25
The classic Elmo doll gets revamped with zippers that unzip and snaps that unsnap, all narrated by a singing Elmo.
Ages: 2+
Hasbro, $50
Our hero toy for toddlers, this fun guy teaches about colours and clothing items.
Ages: 18m+
Vtech, $23
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