
The adorable things kids have to say about love

We asked our readers to quiz their kids on love: what it means and why it's so wonderful. Here are the hilarious responses.

By Today's Parent staff
The adorable things kids have to say about love

The adorable things kids have to say about love

What is love?

Want to know the meaning of love? Just ask your children. Your heart will grow three sizes when you hear their sweet take on the L-word.

We asked our readers to talk to their little ones about love. Here's what the kiddies had to say.

The adorable things kids have to say about lovePhoto: NadyaSabeva/iStockphoto

Playing tea party

“Love is hugs and kisses and playing tea party and making my lunch.”

— Madelyn, 4 years old (Submitted by Alysha Macdonald)

The adorable things kids have to say about lovePhoto: yaruta/iStockphoto



"Love is that feeling that comes from my heartbeat."

— Submitted by @kayhntr

The adorable things kids have to say about lovePhoto: green_casius/iStockphoto

Doing what mom says

"Showing respect to people and being nice to people, and when your mom tells you to do something, do it!" 

— Sam, 5 years old (Submitted by Meghan Promo-Hopkins)

The adorable things kids have to say about lovePhoto: franckreporter/iStockphoto


"How do I know? Girls are gross!" 

— Ben, 8 years old (Submitted by Jennifer Rosenitsch)

The adorable things kids have to say about lovePhoto: skodonnell/iStockphoto



"Love is hugs!" 

— Brooke, 2.5 years old (Submitted by @KarenDeeGee)

The adorable things kids have to say about lovePhoto: ssj414/iStockphoto

Being held

"Love means somebody holds you and rocks you."

— Submitted by @HipToBeMe

The adorable things kids have to say about lovePhoto: Kenishirotie/iStockphoto

Feeling squirmy

"Love is when a boy or a girl feels all squirmy inside and they just want to say something to the person." 

— Matthew, 8 years old (Submitted by Jane Soucie)

The adorable things kids have to say about lovePhoto: mediaphotos/iStockphoto


Mash potatoes

"Love is mash potatoes." 

— Jonah, 3 years old (Submitted by Erica Sharee Wood)

The adorable things kids have to say about lovePhoto: PhotoInc/iStockphoto


"Love is cookie." 

— Tuana, 3 years old (Submitted by Christine Noble)

The adorable things kids have to say about lovePhoto: RuthBlack/iStockphoto

Being nice

"Love is being nice even when you don't feel like it. " 

— Jack, 4 years old (Submitted by Andrea Waldbrook-Johnson)

The adorable things kids have to say about lovePhoto: madisonwi/iStockphoto


Great big goodnight hug and kiss

"Love is a heart. Love is a puppy dog and love is a cat. Love is a hug and love is a kiss. And love is a great big goodnight hug and kiss. That is all." 

— Isabella, 4 years old (Submitted by Crystal Allen)

The adorable things kids have to say about lovePhoto: ssj414/iStockphoto

Having someone always with you

"Love is when you feel good because you have someone who is always with you." 

— Madelynne, 6 years old (Submitted by @amysvrs)

The adorable things kids have to say about lovePhoto: ssj4141/iStockphoto



— Ella, 3 years old (Submitted by Allison Pummell)

The adorable things kids have to say about lovePhoto: Reno12/iStockphoto


Helping my brother

"Love is helping my brother find his Power Ranger." 

— Noah, 4 years old (Submitted by Erica Sharee Wood)

The adorable things kids have to say about lovePhoto: Azurita/iStockphoto

A happy jump

"Love is a kiss and a happy jump." 

— Matteo, 3 years old (Submitted by Stefani Occhipinti)

The adorable things kids have to say about lovePhoto: aldomurillo/iStockphoto

Share the love with these homemade Valentines cards

The adorable things kids have to say about lovePhoto: killerb10/iStockphoto
This article was originally published on Feb 11, 2013

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