
3 steps to building a great campfire

You don't have to be a boy scout or girl guide to build a good fire. With a bit of pre-planning and these easy steps, you'll have a roaring campfire in no time.

pencil sketch of fire starters

Illustration: Alex Mathers

3 steps to a great campfire

Step 1

For a homemade fire starter, cut cardboard egg-carton sections and pack each cup with lint from the dryer. Scrunched-up newspaper also works well. 

pencil sketch of fire startersIllustration: Alex Mathers

Step 2

Place fire starters in the centre of the pit. Stack dry firewood in a square around the fire starters, overlapping corners. Stack about three logs high. 

pencil sketch of a campfireIllustration: Alex Mathers

Step 3

Assemble kindling (thinly chopped wood or twigs) into a teepee shape in the centre of the log square. Light the fire starters with a BBQ lighter. 

pencil sketch of a campfireIllustration: Alex Mathers

Read more:
17 delicious camping recipes Car camping: Gear checklist All the best family campgrounds in Canada

This article was originally published on May 01, 2017

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