If you're looking for the perfect book to read during your vacation, check out these great recommendations from Today's Parent editors.
Summer is the perfect time to indulge in a great book that is fun to read. We've picked all of our favourites.
Paris in Love
by Eloisa James
"I love dreaming about leaving it all. So I fell swiftly for this memoir of an American Shakespeare professor, who beats cancer and then moves to Paris with her two kids and Italian husband. Bite-sized Facebook and Twitter updates on Parisian life, interspersed with pretty essays makes this a perfect little bon-bon of a book!" – Nadine Silverthorne, Managing Editor, Todaysparent.com
Before I Go To Sleep
by S.J. Watson
"It’s the story about Christine who has amnesia and wakes every morning with no recollection of who she is. She is trying to piece her life together with the help of a journal she’s been keeping. It reminded me a little bit of the movie Memento with unexpected twists and turns that had me wondering what Christine was going to discover next and who she could actually trust. You won’t want to sleep until it’s done." – Cassandre Cadieux, Editorial intern, Todaysparent.com
by Keith Richards
"Keith Richards’ autobiography, Life, is pretty hilarious, and full of rock-star antics." – Ariel Brewster, Senior Editor, Today's Parent
The Limpopo Academy of Private Detection
By Alexander McCall Smith
"This is actually the book I'm planning to read on my honeymoon this summer. I love the "No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency" series. In a former life, I had the opportunity to travel to African countries for work and I really miss it. These books send me right back there...without the jet lag." – Kristy Woudstra, Editor, Todaysparent.com
by Mary Karr
Any of Mary Karr’s memoirs — she has three. The newest one is Lit, her addiction memoir. Why do I love it? I’m addicted to addiction memoirs, intervention-style! And, she dated David Foster Wallace. – Ariel Brewster, Senior editor, Today's Parent
The Hunger Games trilogy
by Suzanne Collins
"I just read all three of them. They're quick and really engaging. I couldn't put them down. They brought me into a different world, one I didn't want to leave." – Carly Deziel, Associate Editor, Today's Parent
The Jane Austen Marriage Manual
by Kim Izzo
"This is funny and a super quick read. Any Jane Austen fan will love this book. Now I want to move to an English manor." – Sadiya Dendar, Associate Editor, Today's Parent
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