These cute and easy-to-make bracelets are the perfect Valentine's Day craft to make with your little loves.
Photo: Roberto Caruso
What you'll need: • selection of colourful felt • selection of 1/4 to 1/2-in. ribbons • pinking shears and regular scissors • double-sided tape • cardstock • pencil
1. Create a template with 2 sizes of hearts: The large heart should measure 2 1/2 inches in height; the small heart, 1 3/4 inches in height. 2. Trace the outline of the large heart on a piece of felt and cut it out with regular scissors. Trace the small heart on different-coloured felt and cut out using pinking shears.
3. Fold each felt heart in half horizontally by aligning heart top with bottom. Make 2 small incisions in the centre about 1/4 in. apart.
4. Cut the ribbon into a length a little larger than the wrist size of the child who is to receive the bracelet. 5. Thread the ribbon through the hearts. Seal ends with a small piece of double-sided tape or tie together. 6. With pinking shears, cut cardstock into 3 x 4-in. rectangles. 7. Wrap the bracelet around the card. Now it’s ready to be signed and delivered!
Looking for more Valentine'd Day crafts? Check out this video on how to make a Valentine's Day hair band!
Read more: 9 delicious Valentine's Day treats 5 awesome Valentine's Day hacks 9 fun Valentine's Day crafts for kids
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