
How to keep your kids warm in the winter

Getting little ones bundled up can be a hassle. Try some of these reader suggestions to help get you out the door.

By Today's Parent
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My husband and I have to tag team them. We each take a child and get them dressed. We also find it helps to give ourselves extra time and have everything together before we start. — Jenifer Brown, Kingston, Ont.

We made a little song (like the hokey-pokey) to get our 16-month-old’s coat on, and because he loves hats, he puts that on himself. It takes only a few minutes to get out the door. — Pam Hutnan, Didsbury, Alta.

I put each child’s mitts, scarves and hats in their own coloured bin above their boots on a rack. The kids even keep their own “emergency” mitts in their winter coat pockets. We also have a drying area for wet stuff right by the door. — Amanda Salmon, Mission, BC

My two-year-old thinks it’s funny to run away while it’s time to get dressed. So to ease the process I zip up the jacket halfway and pull it over his head. I also put his toque and mitts on as we head out the door, and keep extra cheap pairs of mitts and toques in the car, at daycare and by the door because they are bound to be dropped and forgotten. — Ginny Blanc-Lincoln, The Pas, Man.

My son never gives us any trouble! It’s usually easy because when he gets bundled up, he knows it’s for a fun reason. — Zuleika Lakhani, Toronto


I lay everything in piles for each child so when it comes time, we have everything we need. Then the kids will go to the pile and start getting on what they can without Mom and Dad’s help. We have a small bench at the door, so when they’re dressed they sit and wait (or at least that’s the plan!). — Whitney Steele, Stratford, Ont.

Having one big basket wasn’t working for me so I started individual labelled baskets. I put a little symbol on each so they knew it was theirs. (My daughter has a ladybug.) They know they each have one hat, one pair of mitts and one scarf in it, so nothing goes missing or gets separated. — Sue Mollins-Hamilton, Rouyn-Noranda, Que.

Go to the bathroom first, even just to try, before the big bundle begins! — Lisa Morgan Rossiter, Calgary

A version of this article appeared in our January 2014 issue with the headline "Let it snow," p. 19.

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