
Funny places kids have fallen asleep

Sometimes being tired takes precedence over whatever your child is doing at the time.

By Ariel Brewster
Funny places kids have fallen asleep

Funny places kids have fallen asleep

Funny sleeping positions

Kids really do the darndest things sometimes. When the sense of overwhelming exhaustion hits, there isn't always time to make it all the way to the comfort of their bed for sleep (or even their house). 

Here are some golden moments, captured on film.

Funny places kids have fallen asleepPhoto: Pliene/iStockphoto


You know when the swing is so calming that it rocks you to sleep? No? This kid sure does.


Funny places kids have fallen asleep

On the toilet

That toilet seat can sure be comfortable... especially after a long day at the park.


Funny places kids have fallen asleep

Putting toys away

Sometimes the act of putting toys away can be so arduous that you can't possibly make it any longer without a nap. Or maybe it was just boredom?


Funny places kids have fallen asleep

On the stairs

Let's see if I can fit on the stair. Oh, this is comfortable! Maybe I should just... zzz.


Funny places kids have fallen asleep

Off the bed

Either this poor guy's fallen off the bed, or couldn't gather his strength to actually get into bed.


Funny places kids have fallen asleep

On the TV

Maybe he thought he could hear better up there.


Funny places kids have fallen asleep

While eating

The PB & J was no good anyway.


Funny places kids have fallen asleep

On the dog

Old yeller is more than man's best friend, he's also the most comfortable pillow ever.


Funny places kids have fallen asleep

Spread eagle

Someone sign this kid up for gymnastics. Olympic gold in 2020, here we come!


Funny places kids have fallen asleep

On a boat

It was this or seasickness.


Funny places kids have fallen asleep

In a shoe

You know daddy has big feet when baby can sleep in his shoe.


Funny places kids have fallen asleep

Under the bed

Because climbing up on it would've been too much effort.


Funny places kids have fallen asleep

More cool stuff

Funny places kids have fallen asleepPhoto: ideabug/iStockphoto
This article was originally published on Jul 26, 2012

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