
DIY: Speckled Eggs

Loved our Easter spread in our April issue? Blogger Rachel Riordan shows us how to make these super easy, personalized eggs just in time for spring.

By Rachel Riordan
DIY: Speckled Eggs

DIY: Speckled Eggs

You will need:

—Eggs (dozen or so)
—Food colouring
—Initial stickers
—Brown acrylic paint
—A toothbrush (preferably an old one)
—Bowls for mixing dyes and paint

DIY: Speckled EggsPhoto: Anya Chibis

Step One: How do you like your eggs?

Hard boil as many eggs as you need. Boiling extra is a good idea as some will always crack open or roll off the counter in a mutinous sort of way. There are many different schools of thought on how to boil an egg (who knew?). I went to Simply Recipes and followed their instructions.

DIY: Speckled EggsPhoto: Rachel Riordan

Step two: Make it personal

Pick your desired initials and affix them to the boiled eggs. I got these lovely typewriter font stickers at Michaels.


DIY: Speckled EggsPhoto: Rachel Riordan

Step three: Stay put!

Combine two cups of warm water with one tablespoon of white vinegar and about 20 (or so) drops of your favourite food colouring into a bowl or coffee cup. Repeat steps for as many colours as you plan on using.

DIY: Speckled EggsPhoto: Rachel Riordan

Step four: Colour it beautiful

Thin out some brown acrylic paint with water (not too watery). Dip in an old toothbrush and run a finger along the bristles to create a spatter effect on the eggs. I took the stickers off prior to this step, next time I would take them off last and keep the white initial underneath spatter free.

DIY: Speckled EggsPhoto: Rachel Riordan

Step five: Take the plunge

Let eggs dry and there you have it folks—lovely, speckled, personalized eggs perfect for your holiday brunch.

DIY: Speckled EggsPhoto: Rachel Riordan

Step six: Almost done!

When eggs have reach your desired shade remove and pat dry.

DIY: Speckled EggsPhoto: Rachel Riordan

Step seven: It's time to speckle

Thin out some brown acrylic paint with water (not too watery). Dip in an old toothbrush and run a finger along the bristles to create a spatter effect on the eggs. I took the stickers off prior to this step, next time I would take them off last and keep the white initial underneath spatter free.


DIY: Speckled EggsPhoto: Rachel Riordan

Step eight: This might get messy

Spatter at a distance to keep the drops more evenly spaced out (I got a bit close to the pink egg). Make sure you have laid down enough of a drop cloth, it can make quite a mess.

DIY: Speckled EggsPhoto: Rachel Riordan

Step nine: Ta-da!

Let eggs dry and there you have it folks—lovely, speckled, personalized eggs perfect for your holiday brunch.


Rachel Riordan is an illustrator, designer and crafty mama. A year or so ago, she and her family pulled up stakes and hauled it to the country. Riordan's blog documents her attempt to stay sane and creative while surrounded by chaos.

DIY: Speckled EggsPhoto: Rachel Riordan

More Easter ideas

10 easy Easter brunch recipes>
Whip up any of these special recipes for your family this Easter weekend.

DIY: Speckled EggsPhoto: iStockphoto
This article was originally published on Mar 06, 2012

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