
DIY Gelt Christmas cracker

Easy steps for a Chrismukkah twist on a holiday favourite.

By Steph Hung
DIY Gelt Christmas cracker

DIY Gelt Christmas cracker

Combined traditions

This festive craft combines two of kid-pleasing holiday activities — Gelt and Christmas crackers! Download our cracker template, and follow these simple how-tos with your little ones.

A version of this article ran in our December 2012 issue with the headline "A tale of two faiths: How multi-cultural families celebrate the holidays," pp. 84-89.

DIY Gelt Christmas crackerPhoto: James Tse

Getting started

You will need:

thin cardstock
cracker snaps
ribbon, decorative paper
gelt or small present
tissue paper
doublesided tape

Print out our template onto cardstock.

Cut around the outside of the template, and score carefully along the dotted lines.

DIY Gelt Christmas crackerPhoto: James Tse

Cutting and folding

Cut out all the diamond shapes.

Fold along the vertical and horizontal lines.

Insert a cracker snap and tape it into place at both ends.

Bring the ends together and join using double-sided tape, forming a roll.

Tie one end with a length of ribbon.

DIY Gelt Christmas crackerPhoto: James Tse

Share the joy

Wrap sweets or a small gift in some tissue paper. Place inside the cracker.

Tie the other end with ribbon and wrap the tube with decorative paper.

DIY Gelt Christmas crackerPhoto: Roberto Caruso

More holiday crafts!

DIY Gelt Christmas crackerPhoto: James Tse
This article was originally published on Nov 09, 2012

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