
Date night in: Friends with Kids on DVD (+ giveaway)

Carly reviews the new DVD release and even has some copies to give away!

By Carly Deziel
Date night in: Friends with Kids on DVD (+ giveaway)

*This giveaway is now closed. Thank you for your comments. Winners will be contacted via email.*

For those who didn't get a chance to catch the flick, Friends with Kids, when it was in theatres, you might be interested in its DVD release. This all-star, ensemble cast features the following onscreen couples: Jon Hamm and Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph and Chris O'Dowd (my new crush), as well as the couple the story centres on — the group's two best friends, Jennifer Westfeldt (the film's writer and director) and Adam Scott (Parks and Recreation). Oh, and I can't forget to mention their not-so-significant others, Edward Burns and Megan Fox. 

Considering this lineup, the movie sounds like it could be Bridesmaids meets What to Expect When You're Expecting. But, it's not. And this is not your typical romantic comedy either. It doesn't have a glossy, fairy-tale ending. This movie is a heartfelt, albeit serious, look at parenting through the eyes of the friends who don't have kids yet. And let's be honest, all parents have at least one or two friends in their life who have yet to enter the land of diapers and sleep deprivation.

The movie follows two friends entering their mid-30s who want kids but just haven't found that perfect person yet. Meanwhile, they're seeing what kids have done to the marriages of their closest friends — and it's not exactly appealing. So they come up with the idea to have a child together, split all duties and responsibilities 50/50, while still trying to date and find their "perfect match." Of course, this turns out messier than they think. And any parent watching this, who's experienced the intense bond of having a child with someone, can see this coming a mile away. 

There was no doubt some of my favourite scenes in this movie, which provided the most realistic version of parenthood — and the version I'm used to seeing — were the ones with the couple played by Maya Rudolph (Saturday Night Live) and Chris O'Dowd (Bridesmaids). I'm more often than not greeted at my sister's house by my nieces, both under five, screaming in different rooms, my sister trying to get dinner ready and brother-in-law walking around trying to tune out the chaos.

Hopefully watching Friends with Kids will make the parents out there see that they aren't alone and that there is at least one couple who has it worse than them. The film was difficult to watch at times, especially when showing the challenge of raising kids, while still trying to maintain any sense of your former, kid-free life.
Friends with Kids is available as of today in a DVD/Blu-Ray combo pack and On-Demand, and it's perfect for your next date night in. 

We are giving away copies of Friends with Kids! Leave a comment in the section below telling us what the last movie is that you and your partner watched at home together and you could snag a copy of Friends with Kids on DVD. 

**Warning: This film can be harsh at times and contains coarse language but if it's too shocking for you, than you were definitely in need of some adult-time.

To be awarded on a first come, first serve basis to those who leave a comment below, until inventory is depleted. Quantities are limited at the discretion of Rogers. You must be a Canadian resident, 18 years or older, excluding residents of Quebec. No cash value.

This article was originally published on Jul 17, 2012

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