Pompoms are a playful way to add some colour to your holiday decor. Kids will love playing with them, too!
You'll need:
Rectangle piece of cardboard
Thick yarn in a variety of colours
Cut out a piece of cardboard in the shape of a rectangle, approximately 5 cm by 8 cm.
Hold the rectangle horizontally and begin wrapping the yarn around it. If you want a multi-coloured pompom, roll another colour yarn overtop. Make sure the end of the first yarn is tucked under the new colour so it doesn’t unravel.
Wrap the yarn until there is a thick and dense band around the cardboard. If you’re using a thinner yarn, ensure that the band is thick so that the pompom will be full.
Once the band is as thick as you want it, bend the cardboard and slide the bundle of yarn off.
Cut a long piece of yarn and tie one end tightly around the bundle of yarn.
Use scissors to cut the loops of yarn, and then trim to make them all one length.
Tip: To make a bigger pom, use a bigger rectangle.
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