We kind of feel like the Grinch saying this, but these elf ideas are a little too far outside the box (or should we say shelf) for us.
Jingle bells! Elfie’s poop smells!
This mama elf is pumping up the volume on hilarious. (Yes, those are tampons!) We have only one question: if elf milk is tradionally green, what colour is elf breastmilk?
We think Elfie may have thought your mom was single when he heard that she was kissing Santa Claus.
The little jedis may get a good giggle out of this, but we’d rather fly away to a galaxy far far away than spend crazy amounts of time and money pulling this stunt off.
We don’t think that’s crushed-up candy in the bag, Walter Elf.
Why would I make a mess that I now have to clean up? I’ve already got one messy kid, thanks. I don’t need a messy elf.
Somebody’s craving peppermint-flavoured BRAIIIIINSSSS! We guess this is what happens after the dog eats Eflie. This Walking Dead-inspired elf seems a bit scary to us.
Do you know what happens when Chucky and Elfie want marshmallows in their hot chocolate? Well, it ain’t pretty.
Elfie came in like a Christmas ball! We’re just glad he kept his clothes on.
But who would do such a thing to poor Elfie! Top of the suspect list: tired parents everywhere.
Mr. and Mrs. Elf returned to their humans this Christmas with a surprise: a little red bundle of joy. But does the baby need to be moved into a new position every night, as well? Won’t that throw sleep training off-track?
The little ones may love Olaf, but we’re saying a big No-Laf to this Christmas tree snowman. Way too much effort and what a waste of perfectly good toilet paper.
Move over Kim Kardashian, there’s a new internet sensation!
Here come Santa’s reinBEER. Now, Drunky! Now, Drunker! Now, Passed Out, and Vomit! To the top of the bar! To the top of the wall! Now drink away! Drink away! Drink away all! But in all seriousness, this seems like a questionable message to send to kids.
All aboard the pain train! Chugga chugga choo-choo! Next stop: crushed Elfie.
We know some friends are worth melting for, but this is a little cruel. Poor Frosty!
So we just finished potty training the kids and now we’ve gotta take a stab at teaching this cheeky elf how to use the porcelain throne? No thanks!
Read more: 8 awesome excuses for not moving your Elf on the Shelf 24 days of Elf on the Shelf ideas Why I think Elf on the Shelf is creepy
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