'Tis the season of fresh starts, so here's a cute way to get your little ones into the spirit of helping.
-One small- or medium-sized milk carton per child
-Wooden box (found at craft or dollar stores)
-Wide craft Popsicle sticks
-Paint and paintbrushes
-Craft paper
-Glue gun
-Foam letters
-Marker or ink and stamps
Cut off the top third of each milk carton. Paint the cartons, box and Popsicle sticks the colours of your choice. Let dry.
Illustration: Miranda EsteveUse craft paper and other decorating items like glitter and foam shapes to add flair to the box and cups.
Illustration: Miranda EsteveGlue foam letters to the outside of the box to spell out "CHORES."
Illustration: Miranda EsteveUse a marker or stamps to print the various chores on the ends of each Popsicle stick.
Glue foam letter initials to the outside of the milk carton.
Illustrations: Miranda EsteveKeep up with your baby's development, get the latest parenting content and receive special offers from our partners