
Craft: Make a fortune teller

Wonder what your future holds? Find out using our DIY fortune teller. Your kids will love this craft!

By Today's Parent staff
Craft: Make a fortune teller

Craft: Make a fortune teller

Look into the future

Wonder what's coming down the pipe for you and your family? Make our fortune teller craft with your kids, and find out what secrets lie ahead?

We've made a special printable template in honour of Valentine's Day but you can get creative any time of year and follow the same easy steps to make our paper fortune teller!

Here are two options for the printable: Purple OR Green

Craft: Make a fortune tellerPhoto: Eric Putz; Craft: Miranda Esteve

Craft supplies


Here's what you need to make this fun fortune teller craft.

1 piece of 81⁄2 x 11 paper
download the printable template here

Craft: Make a fortune tellerPhoto: Eric Putz; Craft: Daniel Desouza

Step 1

1. Fold one corner across until it touches the edge of the page. Cut off the rectangle along the bottom. Fold the remaining triangle in half, then unfold so there is a creased X across the paper.

Craft: Make a fortune tellerIllustrations: Miranda Esteve

Step 2

2. Fold each point into the middle of the paper so it makes a square.

Craft: Make a fortune tellerIllustrations: Miranda Esteve

Step 3

3. Flip over and fold each of these points into the middle. One side of the paper should have all the points facing in, and the other will have all squares.

Craft: Make a fortune tellerIllustrations: Miranda Esteve

Step 4

4. With the square side facing up, fold the paper along the lines of the squares to open up the pockets. Work your fingers into the pockets to open up the shape.

Now go have fun predicting the future!

Craft: Make a fortune tellerIllustrations: Miranda Esteve

More crafts for kids

Craft: Make a fortune teller

Wonder what your future holds? Find out using our DIY fortune teller. Your kids will love this craft!

This article was originally published on Jan 10, 2013

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