
Craft: Cozy critters

Keep breakfast warm — and kids busy — with these do-it-yourself cozies for boiled eggs

By Caitlin Doherty
Craft: Cozy critters

Photo credit: Jodi Pudge


  • 8.5” x 11” piece of thick
  • fabric (felt or terry cloth)
  • scraps of colourful fabric
  • embroidery needle
  • embroidery thread
  • craft glue
  • scissors
  • felt-tip pen or marker
  • 2 small pompoms (optional)

1) Print out this stencil (or design your own) and cut it out.

2) Fold fabric in half. Trace the stencil onto fabric and cut it out. You should have two identical shapes.

3) Sew the two cutouts together along the border. Keep the bottom hem open. Flip the fabric inside out so the seam is hidden.

4) Using the colourful fabric, cut out details like the bunny’s ears, chick’s beak or lamb’s tail. Attach using craft glue. Stick on pompoms for the bunny’s tail and nose.

5) Once the larger details are in place, embroider or draw on the finishing touches like whiskers or eyes.

This article was originally published on Mar 20, 2012

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