
Put Your Kids to the Test with these Brainteasers

Kindergarteners can find the hidden paper plane—can you?

By Megan Sweeney
Brain teaser picture with lots of small images

Source: OutdoorToys

Looking for ways to stimulate your's kiddo's brain this summer? OutdoorToys put together these fun brainteasers to put their detective skills to the test. They're fun for adults too! How many can you solve?

There’s a child playing with a paper plane in this brainteaser - can you find them?

Brain teaser picture with lots of small images Source: OutdoorToys

In this messy room, there’s a penguin hiding amongst the chaos - can you find it?

brain teaser photo with lots of small images Source: OutdoorToys

Racing their way through the park, there’s a child on a scooter in this brain-busting challenge, can you see them?

brain teaser photo with lots of small images Source: OutdoorToys

Waterparks are the perfect place for fun with inflatable toys and rubber rings, but can you find the blue rubber ring?

brain teaser photo with lots of little images in it Source: OutdoorToys

This back garden is a mess! Can you find the rollerblades hidden within the toys?

brain teaser photo with lots of small images within Source: OutdoorToys

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