Family life

5 smart money apps

When it comes to finances, we’ll take all the help we can get. Here are some helpful apps to make money management a little easier.

By Kate Stewart
5 smart money apps

5 smart money apps


FYI Mobileware, Inc.

iPhone, iPod touch & iPad

Set monetary goals and stick to them with this comprehensive financial organizer.  

Cool feature: It’ll analyze what you’re spending, how you’re saving and where you can make improvements.

Where to Buy? $5,

5 smart money apps

Bills Monitor

Maxwell software

iPhone, iPod touch & iPad

If you’re struggling to remember when all your payments are due, check out this app to help you better organize yourself.

Cool feature: View your bill payments by calendar or grid and get pop-up reminders when it’s time to pay the bills.

Where to Buy? $1,

5 smart money apps

Expense Tracker—Spending

AppCheer Inc.

iPhone, iPod touch & iPad

Shows you how much money you have coming in, how much goes out – and where it goes.

Cool feature: You can use it for US and other foreign-currency accounts.
Where to Buy? $3,

5 smart money apps

Checkbook HD


iPhone & iPad

See all of your accounts and their balances in one place, while easily setting up transactions.

Cool feature: You can view your accounts in graph form.
Where to Buy? $2,

5 smart money apps


LD Financial Group LTD.


Get current mortgage rates and terms from more than 30 financial insititutions in Canada, then apply on your phone.

Cool feature: Find out if your application was accepted within 24 hours.
Where to Buy? free,

5 smart money apps

Get more helpful apps

5 smart money apps
This article was originally published on Feb 13, 2012

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