
3 steps to make next Christmas easier

Plan ahead for next year! Use these tips to make your Christmas a breeze.

By Today's Parent
Photo: Tony Lanz Photo: Tony Lanz

1. Place big ornaments in plastic cups, and set in a cardboard box or storage bin. Put small ornaments in egg cartons and layer them on top of the cups. Then write a quick inventory, noting anything that needs replacing next year.

2. Shoving your lights into a box is a fast way to pack up. But to avoid having to untangle that rat’s nest next December, try the hanger trick. Attach one end of the light strand to the lower right corner of the hanger with some duct tape. Tightly wind the strand around the hanger, moving across as you go. Then hang it up.

3. Place all of your seasonal wrapping paper in a clear garment bag. That way, you’ll know exactly what you have before you buy next year, and your gift wrap won’t be all crumpled and ripped.

A version of this article appeared in our December 2015 issue with the headline, “Think ahead” p. 73.

Read more: 8 holiday organization tips Organizing your family for the New Year Controlling the chaos: tips to a clutter-free home

This article was originally published on Nov 27, 2015

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