Family life

20 questions: What I ask my kids every year

Capture a tiny snapshot of your kids' interests at this moment in time with these 20 simple questions—and make it an annual tradition!

20 questions: What I ask my kids every year

I came upon this fun questionnaire a few years ago and thought it was a cute way of capturing a little snapshot of what your kids are like at one moment in time. The woman who told me about it said the idea was to ask your kids these questions at their birthdays each year, and then put together a book so they’d have a collection of their favourite things over the years. I discovered it in the fall, right around Avery’s birthday, so I just do it with both of them at this time of year. And, of course, I then share it with you. Here’s what my kids love right now:

Anna: age eight-and-a-half Avery: age six

1. What is your favourite colour:
Anna: Green Avery: Pink and purple

2. What is your favourite toy?
Anna: Lego Avery: Princesses

3. What is your favourite fruit?
Anna: Apple Avery: Watermelon


4. What is your favourite TV show?
Anna: Arthur (two years running for this one) Avery: Jacob Two-Two

5. What is your favourite thing to eat for lunch?
Anna: Zoodles Avery: Cheese and crackers

6. What is your favourite outfit?
Anna: A dress of some kind Avery: My polka-dot dress

7. What is your favourite game?
Anna: War (the card game) Avery: Guess Who?

8. What is your favourite snack?
Anna: Candy! Avery: Goldfish crackers


9. What is your favourite animal?
Anna: Dog Avery: Cat

10. What is your favourite song?
Anna: "Red" by Taylor Swift Avery: "Forever Friends" (I have no idea what this is)

11. What is your favourite book?
Anna: Magic Tree House books (I am dying to start the Harry Potter series with Anna but she’s reluctant, thinking it’s too scary.) Avery: Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew series (This is the first time I’ve managed to get Avery interested in chapter books, so I’m happy about that.)

12. What is your favourite subject at school?
Anna: Gym Avery: Twistables (She’s referring to the pencil crayons; she’s new to subjects at school!)

13. What is your favourite sport?
Anna: Hockey Avery: Hockey (This made Daddy very happy, since they always claim to be on the verge of quitting.)


14. What is your favourite thing to have for breakfast?
Anna: Waffles Avery: Froot Loops (which, for the record, they only have at Grandpa’s house.)

15. What is your favourite thing to do outside?
Anna: Play on the jungle gym Avery: Skip (she’s doing so well!)

16. What is your favourite drink?
Anna: Lemonade Avery: Smoothies

17. What is your favourite holiday?
Anna: Christmas Avery: Christmas and Easter

18. What do you like to take to bed with you at night?
Anna: A stuffed bunny, and her mee-mees (these are crocheted blankets Grandma made them when they were born. Anna created this name for them when she was little, and she uses them as a pillow. And a note: Anna has slept with a huge stuffed tiger for years, saying it kept her safe at night, but she just relegated him to the end of the bed last week. Sniff sniff.) Avery: Beanie Boos, and her blue mee-mee


19. What is your favourite thing to have for dinner?
Anna: Pork chops, rice and corn Avery: Sloppy Joes

20. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Anna: A supply teacher (I think because she doesn’t want to work every day??) Avery: Veterinarian

Follow along as Today’s Parent senior editor Tracy Chappell shares her refreshingly positive take on parenting her two young daughters. She’s been blogging her relatable experiences for our publication since 2005.


This article was originally published on Sep 11, 2014

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