Everyday baby

Introducing Everyday Baby

Love time-lapse baby videos? You're going to love our new blog, following one mom from pregnancy to new parenthood through daily photos.

By Kerianne Brown
Introducing Everyday Baby

photo by: Raye Law

From watching bumps as they grow to time-lapse baby videos, we love watching a mother's life progress with her child through images. So we're bringing you a new blog: Everyday Baby.

After an extensive search, we've chosen Halifax, NS mom and photographer, Kerianne Brown to be our photoblogger for the next year. Have a peek at Kerianne's amazing professional photography, as well as her blog, where she's been documenting her son Will's life with a photo a day.

Due May 3rd, we're hoping to get a few pics up before she gives birth to her second son. We're so grateful that she's chosen to share her journey with us (and all of you!). Please take a moment to welcome Kerianne to our Today's Parent family.

Nadine Silverthorne
Managing Editor,

This article was originally published on Apr 26, 2012

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