Everyday baby

Everyday Baby - September 25, 2012

"I was changing Wes today and had him wrapped up in his little elephant blankie..."

By Kerianne Brown
Everyday Baby - September 25, 2012

photo: Kerianne Brown

"I was changing Wes today and had him wrapped up in his little elephant blankie. I thought he looked so cozy and sweet. I am not sure if you can see his swollen bottom gums in the photo but TWO teeth had popped through by this point in the day and I didn't even know it yet! It wasn't until later that night when Wes chewed on my fingers that I felt them. I can't believe that my little baby has teeth at four months old. Will was seven months when he got his first, so I wasn't even thinking that Wes was truly teething. I thought the process would surely go on for another few months."

This article was originally published on Oct 05, 2012

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