Everyday baby

Everyday Baby - May 9, 2012

"Although you were all ready to leave for the day..."

By Kerianne Brown
Everyday Baby - May 9, 2012 photo: Kerianne Brown

"Although you were all ready to leave for the day with your rain coat on, how could we resist letting you play just a little bit longer when you love your cars as much as you do!  I just adore this simple image of you because it shows how observant you can be and how you always surprise me in the best ways.  Here you are with "Guido" from the movie Cars and he is fixing all of the other vehicles tires.  And the best part... you were even do the sound effect to go along with it.  

You are such a doll, Mr Will.  And you make me laugh so often!"

This article was originally published on May 09, 2012

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