Summer is in full swing at the Brown household. Take a look at what trouble little Wes got into.
Photo: Kerianne Brown
Wes has the most adorable bed head I think I've ever seen! And he always has the biggest smile for Mommy and Daddy in the morning.
This is a common scene in our house...breakfast with Mr. Potato Head!
Wes had his first freezie today! He couldn't get enough and, in fact, finished Will's off for him, too!
I thought it was so cute to see Wes pull his sippy cup all around the house this morning in his little red wagon!
What an incredible day we had! It was so sunny and warm. We played in the yard, ran through the sprinkler and relaxed in the shade.
Bath time is one of my favourite times of the day. Everything smells so fresh!
Wes loves his new pickup truck. He will beg us over and over again to push him around the house on it while he beeps the horn!
Whenever I hear the sound of splashing water coming from the bathroom, I can be sure I will walk in to see this scene! And when I screech, "No, Wes!" he always gives me this look...wondering what the big deal is!
I caught Wes sneaking away with one of his favourite "toys"...the remote! Daddy won't be happy when his settings get messed up again. I still laugh at Daddy when he discovered that we'd been watching a poor resolution on the TV for weeks because of a setting Wes changed!
How can you not have a wonderful day when it starts by seeing this gorgeous face?
Sometimes a look speaks louder than words: "Don't even think about touching my applesauce!"
Will thought Baby Wes needed some glasses while watching TV in Mommy and Daddy's bed. Thank goodness Mr. Potato Head has a size perfect for his little brother!
There is nothing better than cooling off with an ice cream cone in the summer!
It was nice to see Wes playing quietly this evening. Most days, he would rather get into closets or drawers than play with toys!
I hear so much giggling coming from Wes and walk in to see Will putting a "hat" on his baby brother. These two are such clowns sometimes!
This is a sight I see often when Wes is out in the yard. He loves to take his shoes off and walk barefoot in the grass. I am so happy that he adores spending so much time outside.
It can be tough getting out the door some mornings! Thank goodness this incident was followed by a nice brotherly hug from Will.
One of Wes's favourite games is hide-and-seek: This is his favourite hiding spot.
Wes pretending he is a puppy dog...silly boy!
If Wes could have his way, he would play in the sprinkler all day long!
This sleep sack is tattered and worn but has kept two of my babies warm for three years now. I can't imagine ever throwing it away.
This musical car is most definitely Wes's favourite toy at the moment. He can't control himself whenever any music comes on: He has to start dancing!
We got caught in a downpour today while getting Will from daycare! It didn't stop us from going out on the front porch to enjoy a snack, though!
Wes is eagerly waiting by the door for Daddy to get home from work. He loves his Dada so much!
Both boys are super excited over Will's new big-boy bed! I am not enjoying the stress Wes gives me when he wants to play on the new bed, though!
We usually have snacks at the table or in the high chair but Mommy made an exception today, and we played right through our snacktime.
We had friends over this evening and we played until dark out in the yard. The boys absolutely loved it!
I was making lunch and thought it was far too quiet in the playroom. I walked in to find Wes playing on top of his play table — where he knows he shouldn't be!
Wes loves taking wipes from the package and cleaning anything and everything he can, including this rug on the floor!
Daddy came home from work, and I am not sure if Wes was more excited to see him or his set of keys!
Wes had the best time playing with this flashlight this evening. He would shine the light on the walls, ceiling and floor and then chase it. Here he is trying to figure out where the light disappeared to...silly boy!
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