It's safe to say that little Wes is no longer a baby. Graduating from a high chair to a booster seat is only one of many big boy milestones this month for the littlest member of the Brown family.
These boys give me a laugh exactly when I need it sometimes!
Wes is most definitely our climber!
Mommy had to work the whole weekend, so Daddy decided to pack the boys up and take them to visit family for the weekend. Wes was more interested in "unpacking," especially his snacks!
Wes insisted on wearing Daddy's dress shirt tonight. Only he knows why!
This just makes me think of the song lyric "Raindrops keep falling on my head."
There is the look of cheekiness right before he climbed up on the chair and started jumping up and down!
Wes still loves his oranges, even after all this time!
Today, Wes sat for (what feels like) forever saying "hi" over and over again.
The boys were having a dance party in our living room tonight.
In a whole room full of toys, this is what Wes chooses to play with.
Wes is usually such a light sleeper, I was amazed that we all got out of the van and he didn't stir at all.
He wants to go down the slide so badly like his big brother: Maybe in another year, Baby Wes!
I love seeing this sweet face when I open the door.
Daddy was in Toronto and couldn't resist getting both the boys Toronto Blue Jays shirts: his favourite team!
Wes is eating his first sandwich like a big boy!
He is in heaven here, wearing Mommy's shoes and carrying her keys.
We are moving from the high chair to a booster seat. It only took more than three years for Will to give up his high chair, but Wes is more than ready!
Someone thinks he's being really cheeky here, naked in Mommy's bed after bathtime.
I think it is safe to say that Wes approves of his new booster seat! He loves sitting at the table like a big boy!
One thing that has surprised me so much with Wes is his love of books. He carries them around everywhere and is always flipping through them. This is his absolute favourite one!
Daddy comes home from work, and Wes immediately runs to the front door to put on his shoes and try and carry his work bag.
Wes is checking out the new kitchen table we purchased. I bet he can't wait to sit up there for his next meal!
These boys can be so destructive! Doors are falling off the hinges everywhere!
Wes is drying off from his evening bath. I love the smell of fresh, clean babies!
This sums up my boys. Will could sit forever, especially if there is a favourite movie on TV. Wes, on the other hand, has ants in his pants most of the time!
Wes is all prepared to take both doggies out for their walk. What a helpful boy!
I love when they are so co-operative. They really are pretty tolerant of each other so far (knock on wood!).
Wrestling is great entertainment for the boys these days!
Wes is always so happy, especially first thing in the morning!
Wispy, curly hair makes it really hard for this Mommy to think about cutting his hair, even though I have been talking about it for months now. I just know it will make him look so much older!
What a wonderful journey we have been on sharing every day of our Wes's life so far with Today's Parent readers. And we have a collection of priceless images that we will cherish forever. Although we've shared more than 15 months of Wes, he has a lifetime of days left...with many more adventures to go on. I can only hope that those days only get better and better. Thank you all so much for following along.
Everyday Baby - May 2012 > Take a look at Baby Wes's adventure from the beginning.
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