Everyday baby

Everyday Baby - August 2012

The month of August was a busy one for baby Wes and the rest of the Brown family.

By Kerianne Brown
Everyday Baby - August 2012

photo: Kerianne Brown

Everyday Baby - August 2012

August 1, 2012

"I had taken a different of photo of Wes for the day, but when both boys were all bathed and ready for bed and curled up together on the sofa watching Tinkerbell​, I couldn't resist taking a new photo for the day. How great is it that they will always have each other. As hectic and busy as it is having two children, it is also amazing at the same time, and little moments like this make it all worthwhile."

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 2, 2012

"Wes loves to nibble so much on his hands, especially those fingers of his! So today, when he wouldn't stop sucking on his arm, I had to laugh! I wonder if he is going to eventually find that thumb of his. He has on occasion and definitely seems to enjoy it!"

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 3, 2012

"Look who is 12 weeks old today and most definitely excited to celebrate the big day. Thankfully, celebrating in Wes' eyes is only with milk and tickles. I just adore his big wide-mouthed smile where it looks like he is squealing but nothing is coming out yet! I am sure he will start giggling very soon and I can't wait!"

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 4, 2012

"I realize it is hard to know for sure what their little personalities will be when they grow up; however, he seems to have such a gentle nature and is so incredibly calm and snuggly. He will sit on my knee, for what seems like forever, just taking in the world and is happy as ever. His smiles are so warm and sincere. I look forward to seeing the sweet boy he will become while trying not to wish time away at all!"

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 5, 2012

"Will thought it would be nice to wrap Wes up in a blanket. He is so thoughtful; however, a thick wool blanket on a summer's day is probably not what Wes needed! Will was so pleased with wrapping 'Baby Wes' up, even if it was just for a minute!"

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 6, 2012

"Wes is such a little angel and posed for Mama in the basket for so long. He really is so calm! And this photo makes me realize how much he has grown in 12 weeks. Those legs are so long!"

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 7, 2012

"Anyone who has been following my blog since Will was born will know that he absolutely loves a little sheep blanket we nicknamed 'Sheep-Sheep'. Well, I think Wes has found his very own security blanket. Of course, it is an elephant. It is soft and has satin on one side. It has a rattle and his little hands are sewn together so Wes can get his arms around it very easily. He jingles it and chews on it and even talks to it. It is so sweet! Now, we just need some suggestions on a cute name for his little elephant!"

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 8, 2012

"I get the biggest kick out of watching you discover all your new toys sometimes. You don't know where your eyes should look next. Everything is so exciting to you!"

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 9, 2012

"I came across this little hat today and just had to take a photo of you wearing it. It doesn't matter that it is the middle of summer or that you don't quite know what to think of it. You are my little muse for the time being, sweet Wes!"

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 10, 2012

"We were at a pool party today! You fit right in with all the summer festivities and looked so cute in Daddy's sunglasses. We all thought you were the life of the party!"

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 11, 2012

"Today marks your three month birthday. I can't believe that the last few months have gone by so fast. I still think of you as my little newborn. I can't quite come to terms that you are in the baby stage now! Looking at this photo, you appear to be trying to grow up faster than I care to admit!"

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 12, 2012

"You love to chew on the chubby little fingers of yours. Most often, I see you trying to put your whole fist in your mouth. They must be so tasty!"

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 13, 2012

"I hadn't taken a photo of you sleeping for some time and you were in such a deep sleep in my arms that I decided to try and see if I could capture you in sweet slumber. I just love how relaxed you are when napping and those eyelashes are growing so much, along with the peach fuzz on your head."

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 14, 2012

"I had a moment this evening where I was left breathless because of the sweet moment I witnessed between my two boys. To see them smiling at each other was so heartwarming. Will was pointing at Wes saying, 'Look, Mummy, Baby Wes!' I love that they love each other."

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 15, 2012

"Nothing gets a bigger smile than Daddy lifting you up in the air, and when he gives a big laugh, you try and smile ever bigger! It's a little game we play in the Brown household: 'Let's see who can make Wes smile the most.' Even Will is trying his best to entertain his baby brother!"

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 16, 2012

"Wes is often deep in conversation with his elephant blankie. He coos at him all the time. I thought it was so sweet today that he would rather look at 'Eli' than Mama."

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 17, 2012

"We had a family day at the farm today with all of Daddy's co-workers. It was so much fun! Wes was such a good boy, even up to the end when we were waiting for our wagon to take us back to our vehicle. Meanwhile, his big brother was splashing in puddles! I am quite certain that this time next year we will have two little monkeys jumping in the puddles!"

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 18, 2012

"I can't get over how big my baby is! One benefit of having a baby that is growing so fast is that he has developed the most irresistible rolls in his arms and legs that are so pinchable. I love this rollie-pollie stage so much!"

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 19, 2012

"Daddy caught Wes and I today having a little sing-song on the bed. I am a terrible singer and my oldest son really wants nothing to do with me singing to him at this stage. If I break into 'Twinkle Twinkle', he shouts 'No, Mommy!' I can't help but laugh. Wes, on the other hand, absolutely loves to hear me sing and just stares in complete amazement of all my 'Super Mama' abilities."

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 20, 2012

"I think we have entered the teething phase with poor little Wes. He has started drooling and chewing on his fingers and will cry out in pain sometimes. It breaks my heart so much, especially because he is so young and can't even really hold a teether properly at this point. I have tried to introduce him to Sophie and teach him how to chew on her to help provide some relief. I hope he catches on soon. He was more interested in squeezing her than chewing on her though."

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 21, 2012

"There is nothing better than sunny early mornings, and we were really good today about being organized and ready to start our day off right. This is Wes in his nursery showing how happy he is first thing in the morning. He was patiently waiting for me to change his diaper and wondering why I was taking so long!"

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 22, 2012

"It was a busy day today. We were on the go all day and the first time I had a chance to pull out my camera and take a photo of you was late at night. It was just a quick one before I put your jammies on, but I love how you are looking up at me wondering what I have in store for you!"

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 23, 2012

"It was early morning in Wes' nursery and we were just having fun hanging out in there. We were reading stories and folding laundry and Will decided he wanted to get in the crib with Baby Wes. He never ceases to amaze me with his affection for his baby brother. It gets me every time."

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 24, 2012

"Wes and I had to go pick up Will from daycare today because he wasn't feeling well. We had a pretty quiet morning but when he suddenly announced that he wanted to go outside for a bit, we couldn't deny him the fresh air. We all had fun playing in the yard even if it was just a for a short amount of time."

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 25, 2012

"There is no denying that Wes loves to be 'worn' by his Mama. He is not a fan of being left in his seat or the swing. He would much prefer being in my arms which doesn't allow me a lot of time to get things done, so I have started putting him in the carrier or wrapping him so my hands are free and I can still get things accomplished around the house. As much as I would love to just sit and hold Wes all day, the Brown household would fall apart pretty quickly if I did!"

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 26, 2012

"Will and Wes got lots of attention this weekend when Nanny and Grampy came for a visit. Wes was telling Nanny a big story when I interrupted him with my camera. He carried on again once I put it away, though."

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 27, 2012

"It is always such a big moment when your baby is able to play in the Exersaucer or Jumperoo. Today, we let Wes bounce in his Jumperoo and as you can see, he was thrilled! I remember Will's first Jumperoo experience: His legs were so short that we had to put a box under him so his toes could touch. Not Wes, though. He is so long that his feet touch flat on the ground and his legs are even bent. I can't get over how tall he is!"

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 28, 2012

"What better way to spend a rainy afternoon than a game of peekabooo with the baby! He always startles when I say 'boo' but then it is always followed by this huge grin!"

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 29, 2012

"We were playing in the backyard this evening and I thought it would be cute to take a photo of Wes in a basket among the trees. It wasn't long after I took Wes out of the basket that I saw Will climbing into it wanting his photo taken too. These two little boys make me laugh so much."

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 30, 2012

"Wes has discovered that his two middle fingers are awfully yummy! He has a little obsession with them lately, but I can't complain much because he is sleeping 12 hours straight at night due to the fact that when he stirs, he finds those fingers and then soothes himself back to sleep!"

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

August 31, 2012

"There are a million moments during the day when I look at Wes and I can see a resemblance to so many different family members. I really think that he very much has his own look though. However, this afternoon, I could just keep seeing his big brother!"

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown

More Everyday Baby

Everyday Baby - August 2012Photo: Kerianne Brown
This article was originally published on Sep 25, 2012

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