
What does it feel like to have autism?

A new video shows people what it's like to have autism by overloading your senses. It's hard not to instantly become overwhelmed and anxious.

What does it feel like to have autism?

If you don't have someone in your life with autism, you may not understand fully what sensory overload is. But this new video from the The National Autistic Society gives you a small peek into what it's like to live with autism.

The video is shot through the eyes of a little boy walking through a mall with his mom. All the noises and sights quickly become very overwhelming. It's hard not to feel anxious. Something as simple as someone sipping a drink through a straw or brightly coloured balloons seems magnified and scary.

And when it all becomes too much, the little boy starts to cry and scream. People quickly start to give him looks.

The video ends with the little boy saying "I'm not naughty. I'm autistic."

Read more:
Living with autism Totally amazing: This book describes Asperger’s like having superpowers
Meet Julia, Sesame Street’s first character with autism

This article was originally published on Apr 04, 2016

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Amy is a freelance writer and editor based in Toronto, Ontario. Her work can also be found in publications like Chatelaine, Toronto Life and The Globe and Mail

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