
Victoria Beckham criticized for kissing Harper on the lips

Some commenters deemed this birthday kiss "inappropriate."

Photo: Victoria Beckham via Instagram Photo: Victoria Beckham via Instagram

Harper Beckham celebrated her fifth birthday on Sunday. And mum Victoria wrote a sweet birthday message to her baby girl on Instagram:

'Happy Birthday baby girl. we all love you so much. kisses from mummy."

But some Instagram users felt those kisses from mummy were "inappropriate" and "gross." I am not going to repeat the full comments because many of them are truly awful and ruin what is a beautiful moment between mother and daughter. I get that not everyone kisses their kid on the lips, but the level of hate and disgust levelled at Victoria was totally unnecessary. Thankfully, many parents came to Victoria's defence and shared stories and pictures of themselves kissing their kids.

"My children have always kissed me on the lips...and the arm, the forehead, the ear, the nose, the tummy, the list could go on forever."

"My daughters are 29,33 & 47. We still all kiss each other on the lips."


"I kiss my children on the lips every morning before they go in to school."

"I kiss all my kids on the lips, they are 13, 14 and 22. It's the most natural affection in the world."

Now the Beckhams are no stranger to controversy—last year they were criticized for letting then four-year-old Harper use a pacifier—so I am sure they weren't shocked by this response. But it's lovely that they didn't have to defend themselves—other parents did that for them.

Read more:
Harper Beckham and family at NY Fashion Week
Victoria Beckham and son Brooklyn share sweet moment

This article was originally published on Jul 12, 2016

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