
True sportsmanship: Maple Leafs sign 11-year-old with rare condition

Meet Garrett Gamble, the Toronto Maple Leafs' newest player. This story will definitely make you smile.


The Maple Leafs signed a new player to their roster for Saturday's game against the Ottawa Senators: Garret Gamble a free agent from Duck Lake, Sask.

Garrett has Morquio syndrome, a rare condition that causes abnormal bone development. Thanks to the Children's Wish Foundation, the 11-year-old got to spend three days with his favourite team.

Garrett got his own jersey and number—he's #42 and is known as G-Man. And he got to go to the Leafs' morning skate and cheer on his teammates. Then he went back to the dressing room where he now has his own locker. He even got a player page on the Leafs' website.

Before Saturday's game started, Garrett did a pre-skate lap around the rink with former Leafs' captain Wendel Clark. Then it was time for his official duties as the puck dropper. He must've brought some good luck to the team because the Leafs won their game on Saturday night. As if all this wasn't sweet enough, the Leafs also named Garrett the no. 1 star of the game. Go Garrett!

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This article was originally published on Mar 30, 2015

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