
Yea or nay: Katy Perry's Smurfette dress

By HaleyO
Photo: Broadimage / Rex Features Photo: Broadimage / Rex Features

Hi Gorgeouses, I'm only really posting this because I heart Smurfette....

...and because I heart Katy Perry -- really only because my daughter breaks out into the loudest, most tone-deaf version of "Firework" humanly possible whenever we hear it on the radio. So cute.

So, what do you think? Yea or nay to the Smurfette dress? A few of my colleagues here feel that the dress could have been a lot longer, and wondered why Katy insists on wearing such skimpy (to put it mildly) clothing....  My biggest complaint, I suppose, is that the shoes should be white.

Otherwise, I love it. Katy plays the voice of Smurfette in the new The Smurfs movie, so she definitely should have gone ALL OUT at the premiere, as she obviously did.

The Smurfs movie opens Friday, woohoo! Will you watch? Garrrrrgamel! Are we there yet, Papa Smurf?



xo Haley-O

This article was originally published on Sep 18, 2011

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