
This baby interrupting his mom’s live weather report is the cutest thing you’ll see today

“He walks now, so I’ve lost all control.”

By Today's Parent
A weather forecaster holds up her son against a forecast screen with a chart of weather forecasts in california to her right

Remember that clip that went viral in 2017, where political science professor Robert Kelly was being interviewed on BBC about something super serious when he was hilariously interrupted by his adorable kids walking into the room? In the before-times, videos like that were pretty uncommon, but with the pandemic forcing many parents to work from home with kids around, there have been more of these videos than ever.

But maybe the very best one ever happened yesterday.

Leslie Lopez, the morning meteorologist for ABC7 Eyewitness News Los Angeles, was doing what she does every morning: broadcasting the day’s weather from the safety of her DIY home studio. But on this day, she had a bit of a surprise.

In the video, Lopez is reporting on a storm that was on its way to Southern California when suddenly her son, 11-month-old Nolan, appears at her feet and grabs her legs. Shocked to see him there, Lopez can't stop herself from giggling at first. But ever the professional, she gets through the forecast in spite of her surprise visitor, and even bends down to pick him up while still doing her job flawlessly.


As she wraps up the segment, holding Nolan on her hip, she says jokingly, but with an air of resignation, “He walks now guys, so I’ve lost all control.”

Twitter immediately couldn’t get enough of the clip. But it wasn’t just the sweetness of the moment that people loved. Many were praising Lopez’s ability to multitask and handle the situation with grace and humour. Others said this was a perfect example of the strength of a mother; as one Twitter users said, “What you have here is a peeling back of the curtain. Mothers have always been superwomen. You can just see it up close now.” And there were many saying that the days of keeping our personal lives completely separate from our professional lives are over—and that that’s a good thing.

Even seasoned news broadcaster Dan Rather praised Lopez:

Says Rather: "Sometimes working from home means unexpected cameos. A tip of the Stetson to this pro, @abc7leslielopez, and her 'assistant' for the heart-warming weather forecast."

He’s right: She’s a total pro—and an awesome mom, too.


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