
This kid's job application to Legoland will melt your heart

This boy's love of Lego compelled him to send a job application to Legoland—because what kid wouldn't want to play with toys for a living?

This kid's job application to Legoland will melt your heart

Photo: PA Images

Most people don't consider job-hunting a fun activity, but that didn't stop six-year-old Stanley Bollard from sending in his application when Legoland put out a job posting for new model builders.

The theme park located in Windsor, U.K. was looking for applicants with "interest or knowledge about Lego and creation of Lego models," among other things, so of course, Stanley applied with the cutest handwritten letter. D'awwww.

Handwritten letter from a six-year-old boy applying to a job at Legoland Photo: PA Images

In the letter, Stanley talks about how he loves Lego and has a box of it that he has to hide from his brother. "I am the man [for] the job because I have lots of experience," Stanley writes. He signs off with, "Love, Stanley," which may not fly in a normal cover letter, but it does take the cuteness factor to a whole new level.

The best part? Stanley heard back!

"Loving Lego is the first step to being a model maker, so it certainly sounds like you’ll be perfect for the job (once you’ve finished school of course)," wrote a Legoland employee in a letter back to Stanley. "In the meantime, and because you say you're the man for the job, we'd love to offer you a one-off work experience day with our model makers."


Looks like his gutsy letter paid off!

Stanley Bollard cleaning a Lego model of a dragon at Legoland Windsor Photo: PA Images

Stanley, who is now seven, got to spend the day shadowing an actual model maker and learning how they clean and repair all the Lego sculptures throughout the theme park. Judging from this photo of him with a 5-foot model of a dragon, he took his task very seriously.

Maybe someday in the future, he'll send in a more formal application, but for now, we're just glad he got a chance to work with the toys he loves so much. On top of that, he learned a that little initiative can really pay off. You go, Stanley!

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Kevin is an associate editor for Canadian Business in Toronto, Ontario. More of their work can be found in MSN Canada, Chatelaine and This Magazine

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