Whoa—these nine women are all expecting new babies in the next few months. Maybe pregnancy really IS contagious?!
Photo: Maine Health
Isn't it weird how when one person announces that they're pregnant, all of a sudden more and more people around them somehow get knocked up, too? That's exactly what recently happened to nine of the female nurses at a hospital in Maine, who all happened to get pregnant around the same time.
Yup, NINE women at the hospital are all pregnant, and get this: They all work together in the same labour-and-delivery ward. Guess caring for all those babies at work made them all want to experience it for themselves? (And witnessing childbirth many times over hasn't scared them off, either!)
The women, who all work at the Maine Medical Center in Portland, Maine, include first-time moms-to-be and seasoned pros, so beyond their medical background, there's also a wealth of experiential knowledge in the group. Their due dates are also pretty close together, ranging from April to July, which means they're all entering similar stages of pregnancy around the same time.
"It's really nice coming to work and seeing other people who are just as pregnant, and watching their bellies pop, and just talking about these experiences that we're going through together," said one of the nurses, Amanda Spear, in an interview with WMTW.
Everyone knows that it takes a village to raise a kid, and luckily for these ladies, they've already found their village. Our one question is, who's gonna be left over to deliver all the babies when they all go on mat leave?
Read more: How to build a village To my friends with babies, I'd like to apologize
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Kevin is an associate editor for Canadian Business in Toronto, Ontario. More of their work can be found in MSN Canada, Chatelaine and This Magazine.