
Sugar Rush: Melanie Brown is pregnant!

By HaleyO
Sugar Rush: Melanie Brown is pregnant!

{Kate Walsh at the 83rd Annual Academy Awards
Rolling Stone Oscar Weekend Party, February 26, 2011.}

Hi Gorgeouses! Hungry? You want candy? Good -- we've got a sugar rush! Lots of guilt-free goodies around the Internet today. Ready? CHECKIT!

♥ SCARY SPICE MELANIE BROWN is PREGNANT with third child | People - checkit!

♥ Ashlee Simpson brings Bronx to her first post-split red carpet appearance | ~ checkit!

♥ Pink says her baby already has "too much stuff!!!!!!!" | People ~ checkit!

♥ CBS wants Charlie Sheen back, and he's ready to return | Hollywood Life ~ checkit!

♥ Kate Walsh "feel[s] like a loser" for not having kids | OK! Magazine ~ checkit!

♥ Isla Fisher takes Olive to dance class | PopSugar ~ checkit!


xo Haley-O

This article was originally published on Sep 18, 2011

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