
Sugar Rush: Celine, Padma, Johnny & more!

By HaleyO
Photo: AP Photo/Chris Pizzello Photo: AP Photo/Chris Pizzello

Today's my anniversary. I've been married for EIGHT YEARS! So, while I was having a night out on the town with the hubby -- AND OUR CHILDREN (alas, babysitters don't grow on trees!) -- all this good candy was happening around the Internet. CHECKIT!

♥ Celine Dion's secret to post-baby weight loss | ~ checkit!

♥ Out & about: Julianna Margulies, hubby Keith Lieberthal and their 3-year-old son Kieran Lindsay | People ~ checkit!

♥ Billy Ray Cyrus loves Hannah Montana and Disney: "I could have been a better dad" | ABC News ~ checkit!

♥ Celebrity hands-on daddy: Johnny Depp hangs with the kids | PopSugar ~ checkit!


♥ Pregnant Kate Hudson hangs out with her ex and his family | ~ checkit!

Top Chef's Padma Lakshmi speaks out on Endometriosis | Celebrity Baby Scoop ~ checkit!

Top Chef's Colicchio welcomes third son | People ~ checkit!

♥ Celebrities react to Elizabeth Taylor's death | E! Online ~ checkit.

More tomorrow!



xo Haley-O

This article was originally published on Sep 18, 2011

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